Written by: Shannon Walsh LMHC-A, CCTP
How to Get Past the Stink-What is ‘Stinkin Thinkin’ and How You Can Get Unstuck
I first heard the term “stinkin thinkin” when I worked in a treatment facility for clients who were battling substance use disorder. That term so succinctly wrapped up how unappealing and frustrating our cognitive distortions can be. So, what is it? How can it impact you? And more importantly, how can you avoid the stink?
Stinkin thinkin was a term coined by AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) to highlight that someone in recovery has started to revert to their “old ways” of thinking. More generally, stinkin thinkin refers to the more common cognitive distortions we often work to combat in therapy. Here’s a list of some of those:
- All-or-nothing thinking- also called black-and-white thinking, refers to cognitions where an individual is unwilling or unable to think outside of absolutes.
- Overgeneralization-drawing conclusions or creating patterns based on singular experiences.
- Mental filter-this happens when a person will only give their attention to specific types of evidence that support their negative filter.
- Discounting the positive-similar to that mental filter
- Jumping to conclusions-this can include mind-reading and fortune telling.
- Catastrophizing-this happens when a person labels something as a significantly larger challenge or problem than it truly is.
- Emotional reasoning-this happens when your negative thoughts are not supported by facts.
- Should statements-should statements are addled with shame. Let’s reframe those away from “I should have done or known…x, y, z” and instead stick to the facts and what is realistic.
- Labeling-assigning labels to ourselves and others that are not helpful.
- Personalization and blame-this happens when you think you are to blame for events and circumstances that are outside of your control.
Okay, so now that we have that cleared up, how can you avoid these stinky traps? First is building the awareness that these are cognitive distortions and are unhelpful! Next, check the facts! Are you engaging in absolutes, are you focusing only on negative aspects of a situation, are you catastrophizing, what elements of the situation can you control? And most importantly, when you catch yourself engaging in stinkin’ thinkin’ remember General Ackbar from Star Wars: IT’S A TRAP!
Stop, take a couple mindful mental steps backward and try to approach the topic with an open mind without labels, fortune telling, personalization, or mental filters. When all else fails, reach out for individual therapy at www.voyagecounseling.com.